Entirely tailored & personalised sessions. 

The first session is explorative and is an opportunity to unpack what kind of healing the horse can facilitate which can be anything from emotional to physical. What is done in each session is entirely up to the individual’s needs.

No prior knowledge about horses is required. Our program is designed for individuals of all levels of experience with horses, including beginners. Riding is an option especially in the case of needing physical therapy, however it’s important to establish a firm basis for communication before riding begins and so this is only likely in the second or third session depending on the individual. Our focus is on the therapeutic interaction with the horses rather than riding.

Free Rein Farm is  based on the South Coast in a forest nestled in the South of Ramsgate on the R620 Kwa-Zulu Natal.

The first session is often between one and a half hours and two hours and costs R450.00. Thereafter sessions are 60 to 90 minutes and cost R250.00.

Bookings essential.

What We’re About

Horses, horses and did I mention horses. I am all about nature and the love of animals. Most especially these majestic creatures. Natural horsemanship is foremost concerned with the relationship. The building of love, trust and rapport through the practice of kinder, gentler, techniques and principals.

“A pony is a childhood dream. A horse is an adult treasure.”

Rebecca Carroll

About Me

My name is Sarah-Jane and I live on a small holding on the South Coast of Southern Africa. I love all animals but horses have a special place in my heart.

Location: Free Rein Farm, Ramsgate, South Africa.

Email Sarah-Jane: sarah-jane@freerein.co.za  | Call: 082 452 5327

